💜 Warszawa 💜
Željno smo iščekivali dan kada ćemo moći otputovati u Warszawa. Ona nam je top jedan, najljepši grad u Europi. Za Warszawu smo se odlučili iz razloga što smo jednostavno zaljubljeni u taj predivan grad. Od Zagreba do nje trebalo nam je oko 11 sati ugodne vožnje automobilom kroz Sloveniju, Austriju i Češku.
Grad warszawa plijeni svojom ljepotom brojne turiste iz svih zemalja svijeta.
Prvo odredište za posjetit nam je bila jedna karakteristična građevina, a to je Palača kulture. Do Palače kulture nalazi se dizalo koje se uspinje do 30.og kata, s kojeg se pruža veličanstven pogled na cijelu Varšavu. Ispred Palače nalazi se i fontana.
🏰Grad se dijeli na novi dio, te stari dio. Novi dio grada obliuje velikim zgradam, kafićima među kojima je najpoznatiji rock caffe, autobusnim kolodvor, dok stari dio izgleda koda je zaostao u starim vremenima. Predivne suvenire naći ćete upravo u starom dijelu grada Varšave.
Nowy Swiat je nezaobilazna ulica u Varšavi, a uključuje dio kraljevske rute koja se pruža od kraljevskog dvorca i starog grada pa sve do južnog dijela do kraljevske rezidencije kralja Ivana Sobieskog u Wilanówu.✔✈
Ulice, šetnjice su jako uredne. Grad je kristalno čist, ljudi ljubazni i pristupačni. Obišli smo razne muzeje, šetali, razgledavali. Volimo putovanja, pogotove nove gradove i nove države. I među svima koji smo prošli još uvijek nam je Varšava broj jedan.
Vratit ćemo se sigurno. Poseban grad, nazvala bi ga gradom čarolije. Ono što će Vas posebno oduševiti u Poljskoj jest da ćete fino pojesti, a da nije skupo. Grad Varšava osvaja ljepotom da se želimo ponovo vratiti. Usudili bi se reći i usporediti jedan dio Varšave s Manhattanom. Ono što još morate znati da je stari grad je pod zaštitom UNESCO.
Jedna zanimljivost da ćete u starom gradu naići da ćete naići na spomenik sirene koja drži mač. Legenda kaže da je to jedna od dviju sestara sirena koje su živjele u Baltičkom moru i koje su jednog dana odlučile potražiti novu sredinu. Ova sirena je prvo otišla do Gdanjska, odakle je rijekom Vislom odlučila poći do njenog kraja. Jednog dana se zaustavila na nasipima današnje Varšave i tu je ostala cijeli život. U međuvremenu, jedan prepredeni trgovac ju je ulovio u mrežu i htio zaraditi pokazujući je ostalom puku. Njen mili glas u mreži je čuo zgodan ribar i spasio je. Ona se zavjetovala da će štititi njega i njegov grad dok god bude mogla. Danas je, vjerojatno, stopa kriminala u starom gradu niska zahvaljujući ovoj sireni.
Putoholicari13, 😊😊
Izvor: Vlastiti (by putoholicari13)
We eagerly awaited the day when we would be able to travel to Warszawa. It is our number one, the most beautiful city in Europe. We chose Warsaw because we are simply in love with this beautiful city. From Zagreb to it we needed about 11 hours of pleasant driving through Slovenia, Austria and the Czech Republic.
The city of Warsaw captivates many tourists from all over the world with its beauty.
The first destination to visit was one characteristic building, and that is the Palace of Culture. There is an elevator to the Palace of Culture that goes up to the 30th floor, which offers a magnificent view of the whole of Warsaw. There is also a fountain in front of the Palace.
🏰 The city is divided into a new part and an old part. The new part of the city is occupied by large buildings, cafes among which the most famous is a rock cafe, a bus station, while the old part looks like the has lagged behind in the old days. You will find beautiful souvenirs right in the old part of Warsaw.
Nowy Swiat is an unavoidable street in Warsaw, and part of it is part of the royal route that stretches from the royal court and the old town all the way to the southern part to the royal residences of King Ivan Sobieski in Wilanów.
The streets, the promenades are very neat. The city is crystal clear, the people are friendly and approachable. We visited various museums, walked, looked around. We love traveling, especially new cities and new states. Among all cities which we have gone through Warsava has been number one.
We'll be back for sure. A special city, I would call it a city of magic. What will especially delight you in Poland is that you will eat fine which is not expensive. The city of Warsaw conquers with its beauty that we want to return again. They would dare to say and compare one part of Warsaw with Manhattan. What you still need to know is that the old town is under UNESCO protection.
One curiosity you will come across in the old town is that you will come across a monument to mermaids holding a sword. Legend has it that she is one of two mermaid sisters who lived in the Baltic Sea and who one day decided to look for a new environment. This mermaid first went to Gdańsk, from where the Vistula River decided to go to its end. One day he stopped by the embankments of present-day Warsaw and remained there all his life. Meanwhile, one prepared merchant caught her in his net and wanted to make money by showing her to the rest of the crowd. Her sweet voice in the net was heard by a handsome fisherman and he saved her. She will vow to protect him and his city as long as God can. Today, probably, the crime rate in the old town was low, this siren existed.