Jedno putovanje iz 2018.godine
Podčetretek- Slovenija
28. srpnja. 2018 godine 🌞
Jednog lijepog i sunčanog, baš pravog ljetnog vikenda zaputili smo se u Aqualuna u Sloveniji. Po dolasku, na samom ulazu nalaze se predivne sklupture žirafa. Idealna destinacija za sve koji se obožavaju fotografirati. Cijelim kompleksom nalaze se različite sklupture životinja od slona, noja, zebre i tako dalje. Čak imaju 100 različitih životinja i to u njihovim prirodnim veličinama. Ovo mjesto je bilo stvarno pravi mali raj. Odmor doslovno za dušu i tijelo. Voda u bazenima je bila prilično topla. U kompleksu postoje i veliki tobogani, te kobra. Za najmlađe ima uređen bazen s majmunčićem, i drugi s velikom kantom koja kada se napuni poprska. Ulaz u kompleks se naplaćuje a visina ulaznice ovisi o tome dali će te uzet ormarić ili ne. Unutra imate i restoran, i kafić. Ležaljke kao i suncobrani tada se nisu naplaćivali. Termalni park nalazi se pod sklopom Termi Olimia. Ovaj termalni park prikupio je jako dobre ocjene od strana turista, čak 4,5 od 5. Park se otvara u ljetnim mjesecima. Za posjet ovo mjestu nema dobne granice, djeca će uživati, a vi odrasli probudit će te dijete u sebi.
U ljetnim mjesecima, posjetite ovo mjesto i doživite nezaboravne trenutke.
Od Zagreba do termalnoga parka imate svega sat i pol vožnje.
Izvor: Vlastiti (by putoholicari13)
One trip from 2018
Podčetretek- Slovenia
July 28th. 2018 🌞
One beautiful and sunny, real summer weekend we headed to Aqualuna in Slovenia. Upon arrival, there are beautiful giraffe sculptures at the entrance. An ideal destination for anyone who loves to take photos. Throughout the complex there are various sculptures of animals from elephant, ostrich, zebra and so on. They even have 100 different animals in their natural sizes. This place was really a real little paradise. Rest for body and soul. The water in the pools was pretty warm. There are also large slides and a cobra in the complex. For the youngest there is a swimming pool with a monkey, and others with a large bucket that when filled splashes. Entrance to the complex is charged and the amount of the ticket depends on whether you will take the locker or not. Inside you have a restaurant and a cafe. Deckchairs as well as parasols were not charged at that time. The thermal park is located under the Terme Olimia complex. This thermal park has collected very good ratings from tourists, as many as 4.5 out of 5. The park opens in the summer months. There is no age limit to visit this place, children will enjoy it, and you adults will awaken you child in you.
In the summer months, visit this place and experience unforgettable moments.
From Zagreb to the thermal park you have only an hour and a half drive.