Ekopark Kraš
Ljubitelj ste mentol bombona, keksa domaćica, bananka. itd. Onda je ovaj blog za Vas.
Zamislite da se restoran zove Domaćica, sobe za spavanje mentol, 505 s crtom, da se vozite Kraš Expressom vlakom ??
E pa više ne morate zamišljati jer ovo doista i postoji i to na samo 25 kilometara udaljenosti od Zagreba.
Krenimo redom.
Blagdan Tijelova odlučili smo provesti opuštajući u prirodi. Odluka je pala na slatki Krašograd koji se nalazi u Bratini.
Dolaskom pred ekopark prvo smo otišli u njihov zoološki vrti koji je besplatan. Sve životinje magarci, koze, svinje, mace, srne, konji moglo bi se reći cijelo životinjsko carstvo su preuredne. Vidi se da se dosta vremena upravo i njima posvećuje.
Iako je na blagdan bila velika gužva, svi ljudi su se držali propisanih još mjera. Ako želite ostati na više dan za to su se pobrinuli kućice sa sobama te apartmani koji se nazivaju po Kraševim slatkišima. U toplijem djelu godine se i otvara vanjski bazen, koji sada još kada smo mi bili nije bio za kupanje. Šetnjom kroz ekopark prolazit ćete mostiće preko jezera, gdje su i patkice. Na samom vrhu se nalazi i kapelica u koju možete uči , ali isto tako i pozvoniti.
Ukoliko se odlučite za vožnju vlakićem cijena je 10 kuna što je jako pristupačna cijena. Ovaj ekopark je stvarno prava oaza mira. Definitivno preporuka za uživanje cijeli dan. Naravno ako ogladnite tu se pobrinuo restoran Domaćica. Restoran bi posebno još pohvalila. Osim udaljenih stolova, finih jela, dosada jedini restoran koji nakon svakog gosta dezificira stol. Konobari su jako ljubazni, i srdačni.
U cijelom ekoparku imate dostupan i besplatan wifi.
Ako idete s djecom imate dostupan trampolin i dječija igrališta. Isto tako, imate dostupna i sportska igrališta kao što su odbojka na pijesku ili nogomet na umjetnoj travi, ili ste čak za boćanje ili tenis. Sve to možete pronaći u Krašogradu.
Posjetite ovo mjesto što prije, i uživajte. Savršeno isplanirajte svoj slobodni dan i provedite dan snjima u pravoj oazi mira s pogledom na zeleni krajolik i jezera.
Vaši putoholičari13. 💓💓
Dok ne posjetite ovo mjesto uživajte u našim slikama da se odlučite što prije otići 😊
Izvor slika je vlastiti i slika prikazuje bazen koji se nalazi u ekoparku
Izvori fotografija Vlastiti (by putoholicari13)
Eco-park Kraš
You are a fan of menthol candies, housewife biscuits, bananas. etc. Then this blog is for you.
Imagine a restaurant calling Housewife, menthol bedrooms, 505 with a line, riding the Kraš Express train ??
Well, you don't have to imagine it anymore because this really exists only 25 kilometers away from Zagreb.
Let's go in order.
Let's go in order.
We decided to spend the Feast of Corpus Christi relaxing in nature. The decision fell on the sweet Krašograd located in Bratina.
Arriving in front of the ecopark we first went to their zoo which is free.
All the animals donkeys, goats, pigs, kittens, deer, horses could be said the whole animal kingdom is rearranged. It can be seen that a lot of time is dedicated to them.
Although there was a big crowd on the holiday, all the people adhered to the prescribed more measures. If you want to stay for more than one day, the houses with rooms and apartments named after Kraš's sweets have taken care of that. In the warmer part of the year, an outdoor pool opens, which now, when we were there, was not for swimming. Walking through the ecopark you will cross the bridges over the lake, where the ducks are. At the very top there is a chapel where you can entry, but also ring the bell.
If you choose to ride the train is 10 kuna which is a very affordable price. This ecopark is really a real oasis of peace. Definitely a recommendation to enjoy all day. Of course, if you get hungry, the Domaćica restaurant took care of that. I would especially praise the restaurant. Apart from remote tables, fine food, so far the only restaurant that disinfects the table after each guest. The waiters are very kind, and cordial.
Free wifi is available throughout the ecopark.
If you go with children, you have a trampoline and children's play at your disposal. Also, you have at your disposal a sports game, such as beach volleyball or football on artificial grass, or you are even for bowling or tennis. You can find everything in Krašograd.
Visit this place as soon as possible, and enjoy. Perfectly plan off your day off and spend day with themto them in a real oasis of peace overlooking the green landscape and the lake.
Your travel addicts13. 💓💓
Until you visit this place enjoy our pictures to decide as soon as possible visit.
The sources of the photographs are their own (by putoholicari13)
The sources of the photographs are their own (by putoholicari13)
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